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I’m still alive!!!

Sorry for not blogging about a month now. Was really busy and didn’t know what to write about. So, in this post, I’ll just talk about what I’ve been doing and all.

I was watching this new horror anime called Another. It’s quite interesting and not really that scary, more like a mystery story. I really like the characters but too bad, most of them die later on(T3T)…OP song is freaky but nice too.

Other than that…

I have also been reading this manga online called Eden no Ori about students who get stranded on a mysterious island filled with deadly creatures thought to be extinct. A little pervy but all is good~ It’s quite popular on Mangafox anyway!

Oooh~ this is random but I have to say that I’m loving the Vocaloid 3 character designs especially this chartacter IA.

Will definitely do her if I do Vocaloid cosplay(@,<)/~~~!!!
Her voice is pretty good too!

That's all for this post. Ta-taa!!

Still partying!

In Livejournal for himaruya’s hetaween updates… Guess what? India appeared!! Oh goodie, a new nation that i like but still…where’s my country?!?! But ooh…India and Prussia bollywood dancing together in suits? EPIC WIN!!! Now i officially ship Prussia x India!

What I did 2day on my lazy Monday~

So…since I have a school holiday today, on Monday, I had the time to do this…

Ah…but wait…let me go near the curtains for better lighting!

TA-DAAH~!! My new wiggie.

It’s for my prussia cosplay, though the colour is a little blondish…

However, it’s still a beautiful wig. Better that the previous ones I bought.

It’s my favourite so far~!

Yeah…guess it can get messy but hey~~~ Prussia’s hair is messy!! KeSesesese~

And with this last pic, though I have more pics, I say ‘Auf Wiedersehen!!’ with an AWESOME pose!

FYI, that’s goodbye in German.

Update after a century~

Yes…yes…so sorry I haven’t been able to update for the past few days(or weeks…)

I was busy with the school concert and felt too tired to blog. Alas, I can do so now since Concert Day is over~!! Whee~~~ And there’s no school on Monday too!! Double whee~~~

I’m still thinking of what I should blog about next but pls be patient everyone~