Category Archives: Vacations & Holidays

London….like finally?

Ok….so I haven’t been updating but that’s because I’m so busy nowadays! I don’t think I’ll be updating for a while so enjoy this post~

I think this is Westminster Abbey….

So I wasn’t allowed to take pics inside Westminster Abbey so let’s to skip here.

The Queen was here when I visited this castle but I didn’t get to see her (;.;)…Darnit~

I liked the small little garden around the castle tower~

Blimey! This post is so messed up…I dunno where I am now…

Oh…nvm. Just enjoy de pics!

I think this is the town I visited which had a famous ancient bathhouse…

So before going into the bathhouse…I needed this token to get in.

Yeah…so ppl in the past bathed here.

Spooky, is it not?

Somewhere in the bathhouse…

After exiting the bathhouse, I took a pic of the town I was in. Many people…and street performers.

The last pic of this post is…Stonehedge. Yes…more than 2 hrs from London just to see this. Now, you must be wondering…why is it so special? They said no one knew who arranged the stones because it’s huge and heavy plus it came all the way from Ireland I think or was it Scotland? Everyone is amazed by it since people in the past didn’t have the technology to carry these huge rocks so there.

Well, sorry that I don’t have that many pics of London cuz I spent most of the time there shopping. Maybe I’ll do a post on what I bought there next time so bye-bye for now!

Day 4 in Paris- Last!!

So, on the 4th day, all we did was go back to notre dame for more shots after lunch, see the famous Moulin Rouge(above pic) & visit a cemetary…yes, a CEMETARY~

My lunch; sushi in a box from a supermarket. Had been eating it a lot since I came to Paris. I think it tasted even better than the ones from the expensive sushi shops here in KL!

So…I got to eat this after lunch! It was really sweet~

Second desert…a strawberry tart!! Delicious as always my frenchies~

Tadah—the Notre Dame from up front. It was as crowded as the first time I went there~

Pigeons~~ I like em~~~~

Some statue nearby…

And now…we’re in a completely different place…it is the….


It is a really famous cemetary.

It is a must see for all tourists who come to Paris.

Because it’s pretty~

Alas, my posts on my paris trip are done. Yes…I was in Paris for a week but the last few days were spent shopping of course. On to London next!

Au revoir my darlings~

Day 3 in Paris

Ah…sorry for not posting about my Paris trip after a long time. My computer is a little slow so I almost kinda gave up but…TADAH~~~!! Here’s my third day is Paris!

If I remember correctly…that day, I went to the Palace of Versailles~

Another one of those fancy-smanshy buildings~

Yep…it was very GRAND…

Maybe too grand?

But it was a nice place~ It gave me a warm feeling…oh France…..

I wish my house was like yours…(T.T)

Ok…so basically I took a lot of pics of the ceilings. But it’s fun and pretty!

Here’s the outside of the palace~ No, it’s not one of those palaces made of big bricks and all like in England…

The gardens. The whole place is usually blooming with colouful flowers and spring but alas, during my trip, it was summer(=.=)!!

Square trees~!!

Well,not much to see now so adieu~! Till the next post!!

Day 2 in Paris

So yeah~ lack of updates recently…sorry but couldn’t help it. Was too lazy busy the past few weeks.

Following the first pic, this is how the Eiffel Tower looks like from underneath. Didn’t go up to the top (;.;) I dun like heights…see? I got so shaky, the pic came out blur. Haha~

After that, I(we) went to this Opera House called ‘Opera de Garnier’. It was really nice~~~~~ Look and admire the following pics~~~!!!






Oops…before I forget, let me mention that this was the place that the story of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA took place. The box where the phantom sits is somewhere here. I know it’s absurb to believe that there’s a lake under the opera house but my guide said that when they dug the ground, they found water and if I’m not mistaken…fishes? Dum…dum…dum…..

Last pic for this post~

Day 1 in Paris

I woke up really early today~
If I’m not mistaken(REALLY BAD MEMORY), today we tried to find the agency to pick up our Paris Pass. It’s a pass that gets you in free for most of Paris’s attractions. So…part of the day was gone seeing as we got lost but hey—I managed to take some pics!

Darn it…I forgot where this was…But it’s a nice little building right?

This was one of the places I visited today…it’s…aaaahhh!! Notre Dame!!! You know…that place where the story Hunchback of Notre Dame took place. It’s really really beutiful. But I didn’t get a pic of the front today…maybe another day…

Window~!!! A pretty church window~!! Yes, Notre Dame is a church…

One of the big main windows. Seriously beautiful!!! Uwaaahhh…like looking into the eyes of a rainbow(that’s what I said in one of my english essays =,=”)

More pretty windows~~

A statue~

A modal of how Notre Dame actually looks like being displayed~

Was that all I did today?? Hm…gosh I really have a bad memory…but oh well…
Last shot…The Arc de Triomphe~!!!