Category Archives: Drawings & Art


No reason for this post. Just wanted to post this doodle…
If you can’t read the font in the pic, it says Retro Baby or Baby Retro…whichever way you like it(^,^)!

The yukata hunt begins~

So, since Bon Odori is next week, my hunt for a yukata begins, hence the title of this post. Tomorrow, I’ll be going to Times Square since I heard that there’s a shop selling kimonos there…and since the money’ll be coming out of my purse, I’ll be finding a cheap one. But just in case I feel like being a cheapskate tomorrow, I plan to bring my blue kimono and find an obi for it. Then I’ll use it for Bon Odori…Haha…

Wish me LUCK~!!

In love with this style~

As the title says, I love painting in this style now! But I guess I’ll use it for certain pics only~
I’m plannin’ on doing a similar drawing soon~~~

Ain’t it awesome?

Sigh…I had nothing much to do today so I decided to draw Prussia’s girl ver. following the current genderbender Prussia fanart craze~ It took me less than 3 hours and I tried a new painting style. Overall, I’m 70% satisfied with it. I don’t know why but I think there’s something about it I find imperfect. Maybe I’ll try and improve on it~

Watcha’ think?


Nngh…I stink at drawing male characters, even with reference but I guess this is okay for me~~~ I’d really like to colour this pic if I have the time.
The first male character I enjoy drawing~~~!!!
And first hetalia male character I didn’t draw in chibi form!!!!!