Category Archives: Anime

Inu x Boku SS

Sorry for not blogging these past few weeks. Didn’t have the inspiration to but I finally found it for this post and it’s the anime above.

So…why suddenly watch this anime though it’s been out for some time now? The answer’s quite simple really.

If you’d look here…

Ah… Soushi~
I love the way he treats his mistress. Romantic, yes. But it makes me depressed sometimes since I always think that what happens to the girl (above) won’t be happening to me anytime soon.
Here are the characters:

My favs are of course Soushi and Banri(cause he’s uke).
I wouldn’t say that Inu x Boku SS is one of my best watches or something I’d be addicted to but it is enjoyable in some sense so I’ll try to finish the series.
And before I forget, here’s an extra page from the manga.
It makes me amused indeed(>,<)~

Akise’s charm wins over all—

Whoa…another post about Akise…
Ah but who cares~ You know you want more~~~
So I found the after episode involving Akise, here it is!

Okay(for those who don’t understand Japanese)…so it goes like…
Akise: My name is Aru Akise. My dream is to be a world-renowned detective. I have been investigating the latest accidents and they all involve one particular person…Yukiteru Amano.
*cycling at full speed*
*Murumuru comes out of nowhere then WHAM!!*
MuruMuru: No I’m not…
Akise: Let me take you to a hospital!
MuruMuru:No, I don’t want to go to the hospital…I want to go to…
*At amusement park*
In the Ferris wheel…
MuruMuru: Yay~ I’ve always wanted to go to an amusement park!!
Akise: Is that why you purposely ran in front of my bike?
MuruMuru:Ehe…so you found out~
Akise: It took me some time to figure that out but of course, I plan to be a detective someday.
Then, somethingsomethingsomething…

KYA~!!! Don’t you just love Akise’s poses?? I especially like the one at the pool(=3=)~

That’s all!

Hope you’re happy!

Aru Akise has appeared…!!!

…in Mirai Nikki episode 8~! All the fangirls must be fangirling right now I bet!!!
Ehehe~I’m so happy…so…so…happy…
After the episode there was an extra involving Akise & MuruMuru. Akise was riding his bike at full speed when he accidentaly hit MuruMuru. Later, she made him take her to an amusement park & Akise kept putting on a blank expression around her. It was funny(>,<).

Akise’s expressions through the after episode.
I wish I could post a video of the after episode extra. Maybe next time~

And a special pic for you all to celebrate this moment!!

Mirai Nikki OP & ED

Opening song for my new favourite anime & longtime-favourite manga ‘Future Diary’ or as title says, MIRAI NIKKI!!

Ending song now~~~

Extra—Thought this was cute so decided to post it too~

No. 6

Yay~ I finished watching the anime. It was fairly good and had a beautiful storyline but WHY DID THE CHARACTERS HAVE TO GO SEPARATE WAYS AT THE END?!?!?!?! No…Shion & Nezumi were made for each other(=3=)~~~Yes, I ship them together.

Here’s a magazine scan I found online. Love the concept art~~~

Few of the main characters; Shion, Nezumi & Inukashi.

Some scenes in the anime~~~

Had to post this up since I like this pic so much. FYI, both are guys in the pic~

Well, all I can say is that I recommend this anime. It only has 11 episodes so you can easily finish it in a day!