Author Archives: alexen8

More season 5 stuff!!





I apologise. The feels I’m having now are slowly eating me from the inside. If you don’t have any feels right now, something is definitely not right with you…

Finally something blogworthy

Sorry for not updating the past few(many) months. I wasn’t feeling lazy to blog or anything…there just wasn’t anything interesting to blog about. But as the title suggests, I found something worth making a post on and that would have to be Hetalia Season 5. Just look at these gorgeous character designs~!!!




Can’t wait for season 5 which will be showing in January 2013!
I really wanna see all the characters’ new designs especially the Nordics.
Now excuse me as I end this post quickly.
Every girl needs her fangirling time.

Wand of Fortune

So lately, I’ve been looking out for otome games though most of them are in Japanese(and I can’t read kanji). Other than Starry Sky, I found another game that looks quite interesting…Ohoho~
And this game happens to be Wand of Fortume, an otome game about wizards!
One thing I don’t like about this game though is the heroine’s appearance; looks a little to bubbly that I wanna rip her hair out. In the story she goes to a magical school “”Otome Hogwarts” as they say, where she finds out she is elementless. So, begins her journey to spend time with some guy and get the same element as him.

Oh well, let’s get to the characters shall we? They’re all so bishie I go “OooooOOooo” everytime I see their pics.

Julius Fortner
-This character is so-so for me. He does look sophisticated and charming but in a stereotyped manner. My sources say he’s a magic nerd who keeps studying magic so I’m guessing he’s a top student.

Noel Valmore
-The jackass of the game. He’s arrogant and wants to be the top wizard to the point of seeing Julius a a rival. Even so, he seems quite fun to be around.

Bilal Faranbald
-It’s all in the name of diversity but hell yeah he’s hot!! I don’t really know most of the wizard’s elements but I know that his is water.

Lagi El Nagil
-The tsundere one with the fire element. He’s also half dragon! That’s all I have to say.

Alvaro Garay
-He’s one of the most favorable characters for some reason. At first sight he’s just some playboy but he’s actually an assassin(This part was surprising). Here he is in his assassin outfit.

He looks quite good here…eh?

Est Rinaudo
-My favorite character in this game. He’s a kuudere and child prodigy so that’s a plus for me. He was also born elementless but some organisation infused all the elements in him so he’s sooo powerful that he doesn’t need to use a wand. Out of all the guys, he’s the shortest. Then again, he’s only 14. Guess that makes me a shotacon now.
There’s also another character called Solo-mon but that’s only in the second game which I’m too lazy to blog about!

Inu x Boku SS

Sorry for not blogging these past few weeks. Didn’t have the inspiration to but I finally found it for this post and it’s the anime above.

So…why suddenly watch this anime though it’s been out for some time now? The answer’s quite simple really.

If you’d look here…

Ah… Soushi~
I love the way he treats his mistress. Romantic, yes. But it makes me depressed sometimes since I always think that what happens to the girl (above) won’t be happening to me anytime soon.
Here are the characters:

My favs are of course Soushi and Banri(cause he’s uke).
I wouldn’t say that Inu x Boku SS is one of my best watches or something I’d be addicted to but it is enjoyable in some sense so I’ll try to finish the series.
And before I forget, here’s an extra page from the manga.
It makes me amused indeed(>,<)~

Starry Sky

So have you heard of this otome game? It’s awesome because there are 4 games: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. In each season, there are 3 pursue-able characters. I’m more interested in the ones in Spring and Summer.
For Spring…

I guess I’d go for Yoh (Capricorn).

He’s half-french btw. Maybe that’s why I like him.

As for Summer…

Here, I’ll aim for Homare (Taurus).

I think he’s the head of the archery club. And he’s always so nice and calm. Sigh~~~

I’m still not sure who’d I pick in Autumn and Winter but oh well, most of the boys are good-looking~
I realy hope I can get this game.
There’s even an anime adaption for it!
Wooo~~~ Starry Sky, here I come!!!