Inu x Boku SS

Sorry for not blogging these past few weeks. Didn’t have the inspiration to but I finally found it for this post and it’s the anime above.

So…why suddenly watch this anime though it’s been out for some time now? The answer’s quite simple really.

If you’d look here…

Ah… Soushi~
I love the way he treats his mistress. Romantic, yes. But it makes me depressed sometimes since I always think that what happens to the girl (above) won’t be happening to me anytime soon.
Here are the characters:

My favs are of course Soushi and Banri(cause he’s uke).
I wouldn’t say that Inu x Boku SS is one of my best watches or something I’d be addicted to but it is enjoyable in some sense so I’ll try to finish the series.
And before I forget, here’s an extra page from the manga.
It makes me amused indeed(>,<)~

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